Lesson 1.4
Using <META> tag
Using <META> tag
The Header section also contains
the META element. This element provides
information on the web page. This would include the authors names, the name of
the software in which the page was written, the company name, contact
information and so on
The META element uses a property /
value combination.
For example, to indicate Graham Browne
as the Author, the following META element is used:
<META name =
“Author” content = “Graham Browne” >
The author of the document is
“Graham Browne”
The http-equip attribute can be
used in place of the name attribute. HTTP servers use the attribute to generate
an HTTP response header.
response header is a header that is passed to the browser to identify
data. If the browser known what the header then
the browser can take
special action for that header.
For example, <META http-equiv =”Expires
content=”Mon, 15 Sep 2003 14:25:27
GMT “> will generate an HTTP
response header as follows:
Expires: Mon, 15 Sep
2003 14:25:27 GMT
if the document has been cached, HTTP will know when to retrieve a fresh copy
of the associated document.
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